The Additive Manufacturing Unit in the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria, was created in 2022 as a hub for 3D modelling and printing equipment acquired through two Erasmus+ co-funded grants for Capacity Building in Higher Education; namely Bakeng se Afrika (2019 – 2023) and Dirisana+ (2021 – 2024). The unit consists of various 3D printers and surface scanners for creating digital and physical models for teaching within the Department of Anatomy, and has provided scanning and printing services externally since 2023.
Through Digital Anthropology Services, we provide 3D prints for purchase from our existing database of digital anatomical models or patient-specific data files. Whether you are looking for a complete 3D printed human skeleton or assistance with pre-operative planning, contact us today to hear how we can assist you.
Anatomical teaching models
3D prints for teaching human osteology, human evolution, and clinical anatomy. We have all skeletal elements available for purchase as individual bones or a complete skeleton. Contact us for more information on how you can incorporate 3D prints in your classroom.

Patient-specific surgical planning
Enhance your surgical preparation with patient-specific 3D models for pre-operative planning. Simply provide us with the patient scan file in DICOM or TIFF format and we will do the rest to print an accurate and too-scale model for your patient prior to surgery.

Medical research
Additive manufacturing opens new avenues for advancements in the health sciences. Contact us for assistance in 3D printing prototypes for medical devices, research products, and specialised laboratory equipment.

Commercial projects
Applications in 3D printing can extend beyond the educational and research space. Contact us for quotes and assistance for creating product prototypes.

Our facilities
Choose from a range of 3D surface scanning, laser cutting, and 3D printing options best suited to your needs. Prices vary dependent on scale and material specifications.
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